News Flash: Charlie Siem Is A Beautiful Human Who Exists

    Charlie, you are too beautiful for this garbage world.

    If you're ever feeling down or stuck on the fact that the world can be a terrible and awful place, just remember, that in the same garbage world:

    Charlie Siem exists.

    He's a wonderful, classically trained violinist.

    And he looks foxy doing it.

    Charlie is also, oh so casually, a model.

    Because he is in possession of such god-given talents.

    Even the likes of Miley Cyrus are humbled in the presence of such beauty.

    At least Katy Perry manages to retain some sort of chill.

    Charlie's the ultimate bae, whether you accessorize him with a cup of coffee.

    Or with an adorable pup that's smaller than his biceps.

    Or with a mere strip of easy-to-tear-away fabric.

    Better yet, robed in nothing at all.

    Ah, yes. Peace. Tranquility. Thirst.

    So recline, as Charlie does here, and rest easy, my weary friend.

    And remember, that as dark and dumpster your day, week, or month, has been...

    A musical angel walks among us in the form of Charlie Siem.

    Listen to Charlie's musical stylings — all gorgeous as he is — here.