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Pandas Are The Most Magical Creatures Ever

Their blood is medicine, their poop is made into tea, AND they're adorable.

This is a panda. Say hello!

It's a magical creature that roams the forests of China.

Pandas are like casually committed vegans.

Their unique coloring is used for mating purposes.

As such, they've become the chillest of bears.

But they're also the most magical.

According to a recent study, panda blood might be the key to treating drug-resistant superbugs in humans.


Pandas are so magical, tea is made out of their poop.

Unfortunately, they're as rare as they are magical.

Pandas are an endangered species.

Their low birthrate makes increasing their population difficult.

Which is a shame because they're SO CUTE.

They never stop eating.

And they never stop playing.

Even when they take a tumble.

And adorably so.

They're more graceful than cats.

And even cats wanna be pandas.

And your lil dogs too.

Which makes pandas your new spirit animal.

Long live pandas.