20 Reasons Fran Drescher Was The Best Role Model Of The '90s

    That '90s feminist swag, though. Happy birthday, Fran Drescher!

    1. She understood holistic dietary techniques.

    2. She was aware of her flaws and made the best of them.

    3. She possessed an innate comprehension of dominant power structures.

    4. She acknowledged the capitalist nature of society.

    5. Privilege was something she just saw right through.

    6. She easily and honestly imparted years of wisdom upon young women.

    7. And they actually listened!

    8. While she always aspired to marriage, she always prioritized her personal desires.

    9. She employed her sexuality in ways without ever sacrificing her agency.

    10. She always found the humorous and light-hearted in the direst of situations.

    11. She let members of the patriarchy learn their lessons the hard way.

    12. She performed both her femininity and masculinity with grace and aplomb.

    13. She had faith in everyone, no matter their gender, sexuality, race, or basis in reality.

    14. While she understood the markers of class and status, she always valued genuine human connections first.

    15. She also had a firm grasp on her beliefs and system of faith.

    16. In her work, she remained down to earth while gaining a cosmopolitan view of the world.

    17. And she never ever forgot her roots.

    18. She was able to mediate confronting parties while retaining her individuality and needs.

    19. However, she was never afraid to ask for help when she needed it.

    20. And she always, without fail, made the best of every situation life threw at her.

    Happy birthday, Fran! Keep on shining!