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    10 Do's And Don'ts Of Airline Travel

    So you've bought your ticket, you've put on your finest sweatpants, and you've taken a few Xanax…you're ready for your flight right? WRONG. Make sure you've first read up on the following do's and don'ts of flying.

    1. DO make use of free alcoholic drinks on long haul flights.

    2. DON'T bring this as your carry-on.

    3. DON'T line up to board too early.

    4. DO treat your in flight meal like gold, it’s all you’ll be eating for a while.

    5. DON'T block the window with your big a** head if you have the window seat.

    6. DO flirt with the flight attendants (male or female).

    7. DO travel with your friend NyQuil.

    8. DON'T be greedy with unfilled rows on overnight flights.

    9. DO keep your unpleasant bodily functions to a minimum.

    10. DO get your airplane buzz on.