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26 Reasons Kids Should Not Be Allowed On Facebook

Mid-puberty awkwardness + internet connection = Facebook destruction.

1. When the internet gods created internet, maybe they didn't realize that one day, kids would use Facebook to smother themselves in Nutella...

2. Or to learn geography...

3. Or to share political ideologies.

4. But alas, kids have found their way to the internet. And it's the worst.

5. They basically have no idea what's going on ever.

6. They're disgusting.

7. And outrageously horny for their age.

8. Sometimes they forget they're also friends with their parents and post things like this:

9. They're filthy hypocrites.

10. Their "romantic relationships" amount to basically nothing.

11. Also the things they do make absolutely NO SENSE.

12. They post nonsense like this:

13. And this:

14. They. Know. NOTHING.

15. They're not well-prepared for the future.

16. They think they're much cooler than they really are.

17. They type like this.

18. They have little to no knowledge of elementary geography...

19. Or spelling.

20. They're greedy and ungrateful.

21. Like, exceptionally greedy and ungrateful.

22. They are responsible for this:

23. They disguise themselves horribly.

24. And try to be grown up.

25. But actually they're just ridiculous.

26. And basically they are DISGUSTING LITTLE BEINGS and they should NOT be allowed on the internet.