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23 Dogs Who Are Too Adorably Stupid For Their Own Good

You big, beautiful idiots.

1. This dog who actually had the thought, "Oh, let me just go catch this stream of water."

2. This dog who expected this baby to throw the ball.

3. This dog who walks up the stairs like this.

4. This little guy who thinks his own reflection is another dog.

5. This dog who thought this kid's face was a perfectly fine place to sit.

6. This dog who thinks his shadow is a real, living thing.

7. This dog who thinks his reflexes are spot on.

8. This dog who doesn't realize this door is wide open.

9. This dog who thinks this other dog is real.

10. This dog who thinks the glowing dot is a real thing.

11. This dog who doesn't even realize that he's chasing his own leash.

12. This dog who thinks there's a door here BUT THERE IS LITERALLY NO DOOR.

13. This guy who can't even get out of this small tent.

14. This dog who thinks this flower pot is a bed and not a flower pot.

15. This dog who thinks this window is a door.

16. This guy who's like, "Oh, yeah, let me just walk right in here."

17. This dog who thinks his legs are big enough to take these stairs.

18. This dog who's just... he doesn't even know what's going on right now.

19. This dog who thinks this door thingie is alive.

20. This dog who doesn't even know what water is.

21. This dog who thinks this other dog is a bed.

22. This dog who thinks this mirror is a nice little window to run through.

23. And this dog who doesn't even know how to escape from this big bowl.

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