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25 Pictures Only Fans Of “The Golden Girls” Will Think Are Funny

Picture it.

1. When in doubt, get pizza.

2. Aren't we all?

3. Yum!

4. The plastics.

5. Lego cheesecake.

6. Coasters always fill the void.

7. The best Chipotle order ever!

8. Don't. Just don't.

9. Mount Goldenmore.

10. The time will definitely come.

11. IRL.

12. The almighty dollar.

13. Sicily. 1910!

14. Who doesn't love a good cupcake?

15. Bea face.

16. This bedding.

17. WTF?

18. A toilet paper roll homage.

19. Judge Judy!

20. Major goals.

21. When you're hot, you're hot.

22. I'll take a double Rose.

23. Muchas gracias!

24. It happens.

25. Amen.