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12 Astonishing Facts Worth Celebrating

There are some facts of life that we all take for granted. Let's take a moment to celebrate them.

1. Babies can recognize their mom's voice from the womb.

2. Your cells are continually renewing, dying, and being replaced all the time.

3. Astronomers presume that the heart of the Milky Way would taste like raspberries.

4. Your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb.

5. There are about 275 million stars born per day.

6. Many animals are monogamous.

7. Dogs can differentiate between twins.

8. It's possible there may not be a single moment of our sleep without dreams.

9. Exercise makes you smarter.

10. If you spend enough time with someone, their emotions will actually rub off on you.

11. Your tastebuds are renewed every 10 days, so you might learn to like new foods someday!

12. When two lovers gaze into each other's eyes, their heart rates sync up.

Celebrate your loved one by nominating them for the Year of Surprises, and Marriott Rewards might just throw them a surprise party they'll never forget!