We Now Have Definitive Proof Australians Associate Tony Abbott With A Lizard

    No, really, lizards.

    Damning allegations of being a transforming humanoid lizard have chased world leaders for decades. None more so than Australian prime minister Tony Abbott.

    The internet has also had its fun fanning the flames of the "Tony Abbott lizard narrative". There's been subtle lizard gifs and keen-eyed people mesmerised by his wandering tongue.

    But now we finally know, the internet is not alone. Australians also think Tony Abbott is *maybe* a lizard.

    At the very least, "lizard" is the word they have come to associate with the prime minister.

    Fairfax Media has commissioned a political market researcher to ask punters for the two words that describe Australia's top two political leaders. "Lizard" came in second!@!@#$@#!@@

    It's not good news because other words associated with our *allegedly* reptilian overlord include, "unimpressive and blokey", "dull and puppet" and "20th century mentality.

    For good measure, Labor leader Bill Shorten was described as, "unknown and uncharacteristic", "tacky and fake" and "dull".

    The market research will only fuel the internet's insatiable appetite for the Abbott-lizard conspiracy.

    Because it's finally confirmation that Australians, when asked about Tony Abbott have one thing on the mind.

    AUSTRALIA: when you think of our elected leader, Tony Abbott, you just think ‘lizard’

    BuzzFeed has put questions to Mr Abbott's office on the lizard results. We will update the post when we hear back.