14 Free Pieces Of Advice

    Even the littlest potato can grow up to be a delicious french fry.

    1. Don't do drugs.

    2. Don't get too comfortable.

    3. Manage your expectations.

    4. It's okay to outgrow aspects of your younger self.

    5. All friends fight sometimes, try to be forgiving.

    6. Maybe try to avoid social media the morning after.

    7. Don't set your bar too high.

    8. Use common interests to make new friends.

    9. Break off only what you can chew.

    10. Any dream is attainable if you're willing to do the work.

    11. Don't feel guilty about wanting to stay home sometimes.

    12. But don't forget to socialize once in a while.

    13. Always lint roll before heading out.

    14. Try not to be too sensitive.

    For more free pieces of advice, follow BuzzFeed Comics on Facebook and Instagram!