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29 Ridiculously Wonderful New Books To Read With Kids

Picture books guaranteed to make both children and adults excited for story time.

1. Vegetables in Underwear by Jared Chapman

2. In the Butterfly Garden by Philippe Ug

3. Bigfoot is Missing! by J. Patrick Lewis and Kenn Nesbitt, illustrated by Minalima

4. Snow White and the 77 Dwarfs by Davide Cali, illustrated by Raphaëlle Barbanègre

5. Edmund Unravels by Andrew Kolb

6. Farewell Floppy by Benjamin Chaud

7. Rhymoceros by Janik Coat

8. Home by Carson Ellis

9. The Queen's Shadow: A Story About How Animals See by Cybèle Young

10. Snail, Where Are You? by Tomi Ungerer

11. Rosario's Fig Tree by Charis Wahl, illustrated by Luc Melanson

12. It's Only Stanley by Jon Agee

13. I Had a Favorite Hat by Boni Ashburn, illustrated by Robyn Ng

14. Her Idea by Rilla Alexander

15. In Mary's Garden by Tina and Carson Kugler

16. The Skunk by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Patrick McDonnell

17. Leopardpox! by Orna Landau, illustrated by Omer Hoffmann

18. Random Body Parts by Leslie Bulion, illustration by Mike Lowery

19. Just Itzy by Lana Krumwiede, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

20. Special Delivery by Philip C. Stead, illustrated by Matthew Cordell

21. Lou Caribou by Marie-Sabine Roger, illustrated by Nathalie Choux

22. Poppy Pickle by Emma Yarlett

23. Interstellar Cinderella by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Meg Hunt

24. Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion by Alex T. Smith

25. Daddy's Sandwich by Pip Jones, illustrated by Laura Hughes

26. This Is My Rock by David Lucas

27. Rude Cakes by Rowboat Watkins

28. Pig and Pug by Lynne Berry, illustrated by Gemma Correll

29. The Blue Whale by Jenni Desmond