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    10 Stock Images Of Makeup Application That Are All Lies

    These “beautifying” images make growing a ladybeard an attractive option. Here’s how you REALLY do makeup:

    1. The latest facial contouring brush can also be used to repaint your kitchen.

    2. Because plaster and foundation are pretty much the same thing.

    3. Doesn’t every woman come with a traveling crew of makeup-wielding hands?

    4. OK, so this isn’t makeup application. But, COME ON.

    5. The only red lipstick tutorial we would NEVER want to follow.

    6. Your four-year-old can’t color within the lines yet, but she can apply eyeliner like no one’s business.

    7. We’re all about a good twofer, but we’re giving this cheek stain a hard pass.

    8. Apparently, post-shower shaving is man code for “enhancing my cheekbones.”

    9. Paint-by-Numbers for your face, anyone?

    10. Don’t drink and apply. Clearly.

    11. Have a healthy dose of reality by checking out!