25 Tumblr Posts That Will Make Socially Awkward People Cringe

    This one time someone sneezed and I said: "Good night".

    1. Entering a room filled with people is literally your version of The Hunger Games.

    2. You lose all control of your body.

    3. Which is why any social interaction involves quite a bit of planning.

    4. And it *still* goes wrong.

    5. Instead of recovering gracefully, your blundering brain will slip up again two seconds later.

    6. Any interaction will be anaylsed over and over again when you get home.

    7. Which is why canceling plans has become your personal heroin.

    8. Besides, you tend to crack yourself up more than anyone else can.

    9. When you are feeling sociable, you sometimes forget to filter your thoughts.

    10. When people display sudden outbursts of emotion, you feel a little uneasy.

    11. You don't particularly enjoy it when people hug you.

    12. And there are some people who get a little too close to you when they talk.

    13. For you, flirting seems like a fun thing for other people to do. But you have no interest in trying it.

    14. When people show an interest in you, you freak out a little.

    15. You have no idea how to converse with someone you find attractive.

    16. Your worst nightmare is when you're hanging out with a pal at a party and they go to the toilet.

    17. It takes quite a lot of effort to rein in your awkwardness when you meet new people.

    18. Most greetings go like this:

    19. Small talk is really not your thing.

    20. And neither is confrontation.

    21. But there is a small part of you that wants to go out and at least try to be social.

    22. Having to get the door gives you the heebie-jeebies.

    23. You will do literally anything to get out of a telephone conversation.

    24. This person makes a rather terrifying point.

    25. And lastly, the only time you feel at ease is in the blissful comfort of your own home.