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    Mulder & Scully: 10 Ways To Write A Love Story Without Cliches

    Mulder & Scully were never the TV version of the will they/wont they couple, (long courtship, tearful declaration of love, big kiss, tv sex, coupledom). M&S are NOT typical. Pay attention today's TV writers. These two “complicated, flawed, beautiful people” were never reduced into a one-note parody.

    1. You always shoot the one you love (followed by serious flirting).

    2. They are in sync

    3. while still being completely opposites.

    4. When there is a psycho cerulean blue killer controlling his mind, he can still tell Scully to run.

    5. She saves him with just one tear...

    6. It is about R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

    The foundation of their relationship is respect. And that is a CAPITAL, SPELL IT OUT, kind of respect. There are hundreds of examples of RESPECT. The number of times Scully saved Mulder & visa versa. The way Mulder protects Scully without diminishing her... Hundreds. But I pick this one. It's a small moment. Has nothing to do with The Xfiles. It's just about them.

    7. Have a secret code...

    Mulder and Scully have a secret code. They don't need declarations of love. "It's always magical to see them, because it's almost as if time stops for them. When they look at each other, they share something that only they know. They share a secret." Chris Carter.

    8. Have a whole season or two of secret sex.

    M&S had sex. William is proof. GA and DD says the film exists out there. So, when? GA says it was during "All things" as it is heavily hinted, but CC leaves it up to the viewer. Was it after Unnatural? Amor Fati?

    In a time when nothing is private, how wonderful is it that something finally is quiet and not shown. It didn't take over the show, or even become a major plot line. It was quiet and rarely shown, but all the more brilliant because of that.

    Besides, isn't it fun to guess the secret sex season seven?

    ****Visit "TV Mouse" She has a whole blog dedicated to season seven secret sex (I love aliteration).

    9. Besides, non fat tofutti rice dreamsicles and baseball are hotter than TV sex.

    10. A first kiss should be this...