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Johnny Depp's Awesomely Bizarre Photo Past

He is a man of many wonderful looks.

1. That time he wore "Bob's" shirt, mom jeans and held a violin

2. That time he ironed grilled cheese

3. That time his glasses almost fell off his face!

4. That time he posed seductively with a small gun

5. That time his pockets looked like leg ears

6. That time he hugged a Koala Bear

7. That time he wore this tie

8. That time he showed us his bellybutton

9. That time he took this photo

10. That time he pretended he was Criss Angel

11. That time he wore two different types of stripes

12. That time he wore this turtleneck

13. That time he wore this turtleneck PLUS held a dog

14. That time he probably couldn't see a damn thing!

15. That time he fell asleep in the corner of a room

16. That time he was on a swing with a cane and a top hat

17. That same time he was on a swing with a cane and a top hat

18. That time he was making a joke about his cup of water

19. That time he held up a fork and didn't see that salt was about to spill everywhere

20. That time this shadow made his hair look ginormous

21. That time he wanted feel his own heartbeat

22. That time he sat on an oven

23. That time he dressed like a dad

24. That time he ate cake with John Waters

25. That time he looked exactly like Billie Joe Armstrong