14 Must-Have Tech Gadgets That Will Never Fill The Hole In Your Soul

    Adrift in a meaningless sea of high-tech consumer products. #firstworldproblems

    With the holidays coming up, it's time again to start looking at the must-have tech gadgets that should be on your gift list! Every single one of these tech gadgets is guaranteed to put a smile on the faces of your family and friends, until they realize that consumerism has left them completely empty inside.

    Apple Watch

    PowerUp 3.0 Smartphone-Controlled Paper Airplane

    Cinder Sensing Cooker

    Samsung SleepSense

    Oculus Rift

    Pico Cassette

    Anova Precision Cooker

    3DR Solo Drone

    Official Tetris Light

    Amazon Echo

    Skarp Laser Razor

    Keurig Kold

    The New Apple TV

    Amazon Dash Button