21 Faces Every Sarcastic Person Will Instantly Recognise

    How can you not tell that I'm being sarcastic right now?

    1. The "Wait, Was That A Joke Or Not?" Face.

    2. The "I Know You Can't Tell If I'm Being Sarcastic Or Not" Face.

    3. The "I Can't Believe You Just Took That Seriously" Face.

    4. The "I Don't Understand How You Don't Get This" Face.

    5. The "I Can't Believe I Have To Tell You I Was Joking" Face.

    6. The "No One Got That Joke" face.

    7. The "You Never Appreciate My Incredible Jokes" Face.

    8. The "You Don't Understand My Entire Personality" Face.

    9. The "I'm Sorry My Sarcasm Offended You" Face.

    10. The "I Said Something Sarcastic And Now Everyone Is Having A Serious Conversation About It" Face.

    11. The "You Never Get It So I'm Going To Be Really Obvious That I'm Being Sarcastic" Face.

    12. The "I Don't Even Know What I'm Doing Any More" Face.

    13. The "I Didn't Mean To Mock You But That Is Definitely What I'm Doing" Face.

    14. The "Someone Just Described My Sense Of Humour As An Acquired Taste" Face.

    15. The "Sincere Compliments Make Me Uncomfortable" Face.

    16. The "I Am Excited, I'm Just Not Very Good At Showing It" Face.

    17. The "Sorry, I Can't Really Turn The Sarcasm Off" Face.

    18. The "I'd Rather Deal With My Emotions With Sarcasm Than By Actually Engaging With Them" Face.

    19. The "No, No, I Actually Am Not Making A Joke This Time" Face.

    20. The "Fake Laughter" Face.

    21. The "Eh, I'm Still The Funniest Person In The Room" Face.