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23 People Who Responded Perfectly To Guys On Dating Sites

Shutting people down with the power of words.

1. This person raised the stakes.

2. This person knows exactly what guys want.

3. This person saw a loophole.

4. All this person had to do was to point out a major flaw.

5. This person picked up on what's important.

6. This person went dark.

7. This person knew what was needed.

8. This person had a strong response.

9. This person took the opening she was given.

10. This person just went in a whole different direction.

11. This person just shut the line down.

12. This person actually sorted it out quite nicely.

13. TMI is also effective.

14. Seriously, TMI is super effective.

15. This person just went very honest.

16. This person went vaguely threatening.

17. Threats are actually a pretty good method.

18. Or John Lennon lyrics.

19. This is just a solid response.

20. This person just outlined a really great evening.

21. This person gave an accurate answer.

22. This person just used directness.

23. And of course, if all else fails, "douchenozzle" is pretty effective.