19 Things People Who Can't Be Bothered With Fashion Will Know

    People who just want to wear the first thing they see, unite!

    1. The idea of clothes being "on trend" is of no interest to you.

    2. You're convinced that anything "high fashion" has to be an elaborate practical joke.

    3. The concept of entire magazines about clothes confuses you intensely.

    4. You'll defend sweatpants as the ultimate item of clothing.

    5. And don't really understand why people wear anything else ever.

    6. You know you'll get strange looks if you wear your actual favourite clothes out of the house.

    7. Clothes seem like an odd thing to spend money on, when there's so much better stuff.

    8. You really don't get the reasoning behind getting new clothes every year.

    9. Or why fashion seems to change seasonally.

    10. You're always slightly worried that people around you have figured out exactly how small your wardrobe is.

    11. When you actually do go clothes shopping, it's impossible, because you can't even tell what you're looking at.

    12. When you have an item of clothing that seems to be widely acceptable, you're always tempted to buy seven identical versions.

    13. So you only actually go shopping when you absolutely need it.

    14. Being required to dress up is a nightmare.

    15. Dress codes never seem to be very clear.

    "Small business casual". WHAT IS THAT?

    16. You feel so much relief when it's very obvious what you have to wear, and therefore you don't have to make a decision.

    17. Work clothes are actually pretty useful, because there is a very clear set of rules.

    18. Even though you don't understand why that's the case.

    19. Because you just want to wear whatever you want.

    Even if that mainly involves scruffy clothes and a sofa.