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The Night Of The General Election Was Basically The Red Wedding

An Ed Wedding, if you will.

So a very important event was soon to happen.

An up-and-coming leader was about to take part in a ritual that would decide the future of an entire land.

It might require some work, and some uncomfortable alliances, but a future could be forged.

So they went to the moment of truth with no small amount of confidence.

But suddenly...

The exit polls arrived, and they were far more negative than anyone had anticipated, giving the Conservatives 30 or more seats than previous polls had suggested.

What if friends were actually foes?

What if something unexpected was about to happen?

And then the music started playing.

And the slaughter began.

Prominent people were cut down.

The destruction began in earnest.

No matter if the people involved were likable or not.

One after another, it became clearer and clearer that there would be no respite.

Power had shifted inexorably and brutally.

It's a new world.

But the same people are in power.