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Just A Quick Reminder: You're Being Hurled Through Space

Where are the seat belts on this thing?

Ever feel like you wasted a perfectly nice weekend trying to stay still so your cat will sit on you?

Well don't worry, while you might be stationary on Earth...

At any given moment, the Earth you're standing on is spinning at roughly 1,000 miles per hour (give or take depending on how close to the equator you are.)

That's more than 14 times faster than a cheetah running at full speed of 70 mph.

Meanwhile, the Earth is also orbiting the sun at a dizzying 67,000 miles per hour.

That's 335 times faster than a race car going at top speed.

On top of all of that, our entire solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at an unbelievable 515,000 miles per hour.

That's about 904 times faster than a commercial Boeing 747 at cruising altitude.

And If you're not feeling the motion sickness yet, with our expanding universe the Milky Way Galaxy as a whole is speeding through the Universe at a heart-stopping 1.3 million miles per hour.

That's roughly 1,733 times the speed of a sonic boom at sea level, BOOM.

So next time you think you've wasted a whole weekend on the couch, just relax and remember you're probably just exhausted from being on a high-speed space exploration.

Facts found via: Scientific American, Space.com and The Astrosociety.