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    What (We Think) It Means To Be An Adult

    Growing up, we all probably thought there was one magical day, maybe our 18th or 21st birthday, when we would wake up with a perfect understanding of how to function as an adult: how to call to make your own appointments, how to responsibly shop for groceries, and a firm grip on time management. These may or may not have clicked for all of us, but here is a list of skills that we at LD believe are signs of true adulthood, whether or not we’ve actually grasped those skills yet.

    1. Buying non-Apple accessories.

    2. Drinking wine on a “school night” just because, erm … well, ‘cause you can.

    3. The art of getting ready in ten minutes.

    4. OR we finally get a decent job so we can spend more money on da BEST makeup products, and the morning routine gets longer and more elaborate.

    5. Responsibility—for everything.

    6. Choosing store brand over name brand.

    7. Only buying necessities during sales.

    8. Or, actually buying something nice at full price for once.

    9. Going to the grocery store at noon on a Tuesday.

    10. Negotiating your salary / gettin' that paper

    11. Prioritizing doing laundry over going out on the weekend.

    12. Knowing when to own yourself.

    13. Finally being able to have honest, unfiltered conversations with your friends.

    14. Accepting that adulthood is sometimes a scary transition, but learning to deal with it anyway.

    15. Maybe, finally enjoying (parts of) adulthood.