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13 Reasons The World Is Nothing Without Babies

Babies are everything. Can you imagine a world where no baby has been born in six years? Experience it with Lifetime’s new drama, The Lottery, premiering this Sunday at 10/9c.

Hold on. A world with no babies?

1. But who would we put to sleep with our stories?

2. Without babies, we'd have nobody to laugh at our silly jokes.

3. Who would our dogs teach to crawl?

4. We'd have no baby showers to look forward to.

5. We'd have nobody to teach how to walk.

6. Nobody to love us unconditionally.

7. Nobody to keep us entertained in the back seat.

8. We'd have nobody to teach the ways of the world.

9. Nobody to watch while they just lie around being squishy and cute.

10. We need you, babies. We need you for laughs.

11. And for cuddles.

12. No, babies. Sorry. You're not allowed to go away.

13. We love you too much.

Here's a preview of the terrifying world in The Lottery, where women have stopped having babies.

View this video on YouTube

Don't miss the Series Premiere on Lifetime, this Sunday at 10/9c.