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11 Reasons Why Art Is Better Through Collaboration

All right stop. Collaborate and listen. Don't miss more cool collaborations happening at Make Our Mark, a public art project made possible by Levi's®.

1. Because: The more, the merrier.

2. Because: Everybody sticks together.

3. Because: The more shots we take, the greater our chances are of a bullseye.

4. Because: Many hands don't always make light work.

5. Because: Every voice deserves to be heard.

6. Because: Like love, art knows no boundaries.

7. Because: Nothing comes sailing by itself.

8. Because: A life without love is like a sunless garden.

9. Because: It doesn't always take one to know one.

10. Because: A thousand pictures is worth an insane amount of words.

11. And because: Together we can do so much.