The Time A 23-Year-Old Larry King Got Seduced On-Air

    The year: 1956. The lady: horny. The Larry: young and stupid. This is basically the best story ever.

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    "Blank on Blank" is a project dedicated to finding lost interviews, and in a new animated series with PBS Digital Studios, they present this unheard interview with Larry King.

    The story, in a nutshell...

    Larry is 23-years-old and has been working in radio for a mere two weeks.

    A woman calls in to the station and says this:

    An excited Larry tells her he can meet up later.

    The woman gives Larry her address.

    He arrives at the mystery woman's house and she's ready to go.

    So Larry bolts. And keeps the radio playing in his car. "Jewish masochism," he calls it. Oy vey.

    When he gets back to the station, the phones are ringing off the hook.