14 Signs Judy Funnie Influenced Your Upbringing

    You are all dull peasants. I am an artiste.

    1. At some point, you were deep into spoken word, improv dance, and/or poetry. Or you just had a very intense Livejournal.

    2. You find human tragedy beautiful and fascinating.

    3. Anything for art.

    4. You are obsessed with health trends — anything that will elevate your mind-body connection.

    5. You've never been one to shy from public displays of drama.

    6. You've said this. A LOT.

    7. You always look fierce.

    8. You'd never let any lowbrow pop culture pollute your superior mind.

    9. You just naturally have philosophies on life and you espouse them with eloquent ease.

    10. You do yoga.

    11. You always know more than everyone else around you.

    12. And anyone who questions your wisdom will be shot. down.

    Do NOT oppose me, peasant.

    13. You dislike "the Man."

    14. And while you may be intense and serious, you also know it's sometimes not worth it to care.