The 18 Most Awesome Things That Ever Happened At Whole Foods

    Who knew Whole Foods sold organic hilarity?

    1. When the produce section was all "turn UP!"

    2. When it was like, YES cake IS an essential source of nutrients.

    #wholefoodsfail Really Las Vegas?

    3. When Fabio picked up this lady...

    4. And on a different day, he picked up this guy.

    5. When they sold "Walkin' Around Beer."

    6. When they sold cupcakes shaped like hamburgers.

    Whole foods cupcakes never fail to impress me

    7. When they encouraged a... how do you say it... "liberal" lifestyle?

    8. When they snuck Reptar from Rugrats into a display.

    9. When they sold donut bacon maple ale.

    10. When they sold these punny gift cards.

    11. When its lunches ruled the earth.

    12. When the tasting notes for PBR were like, "Let's be honest, here."

    13. When Grumpy Cat showed up in the frozen foods aisle.

    14. When Walter White stared you down as you selected a baguette.

    15. When it sold "orgernerrrc bleerrberrrerrs." Which is exactly how "organic blueberries" should always be spelled.

    16. When Stormtroopers took over the gourds and squash section.

    17. And when they were thoughtful enough to engineer a phthalate-free plastic baby.

    18. When you didn't have to ROOT around for a deal.