How Old Would These Cartoon Characters Be Now?

    Holy crap, Doug Funnie is 33?!

    Ignoring the laws of animation, in which people don't seem to age (lucky bitches), I calculated the ages of these cartoon characters of your youth. Damn. People be old.

    1. Spongebob would be 27.

    2. Daria would be 31.

    3. Doug Funnie would be 33.

    4. Jem, aka Jerrica Benton, would be 47.

    5. Arnold would be 26.

    6. Grandpa Phil would be 99. (And presumably just as spry.)

    7. Tommy Pickles would be 22.

    8. George Jetson would be 91.

    9. Judy Jetson would be 66.

    10. Allegra (from Allegra's Window) would be 22.

    11. Sailor Moon would be 36.

    12. Penny from Inspector Gadget would be 40.

    13. In people years, Hello Kitty would be 47.

    14. Beavis and Butt-head would be 35.

    15. Wheeler from Captain Planet would be 40.

    16. Strawberry Shortcake would be about 39.

    17. Arthur would be 25.

    18. Pepper Ann would be 27.

    19. The Powerpuff Girls would be 20.

    This post inspired by this tweet.