16 Signs That You Are Clarissa Darling

    This explains it all.

    1. You wore hipster glasses before they were cool.

    2. You find ways to subtly let people know that you're awesome — like, see how much you're into your local radio station?

    3. This is a basic breakdown of your brain.

    4. You really get along better with boys.

    5. You're really good at arguing.

    6. Cooking? Ain't no thang.

    7. Your battles with your siblings were epic.

    8. LOL, YOLO? Puh-lease. You make your own abbreviations.

    9. Obviously.

    10. You haaaaaate birthdays.

    11. You made some experimental decor choices that didn't always please your parents.

    12. You're a feminist.

    13. You may be a creative, but you also have a mathematical side to you. Especially when you can explain things in pretty charts and graphs.

    14. You have some childhood moments that you just can't explain.

    15. You definitely kick butt. Even if it's just in your imaginary, half-animated montage.

    16. But above all, your style is pimpin'.