Danny Dyer's Impression Of The Queen Is Utterly Glorious

    "Alright, don't fackin' milk it".

    Actor and professional geezer Danny Dyer has recently been adding his own imagined dialogue to video clips, and yesterday, he took on footage of the royal family.

    His impression of the Queen is utterly glorious.

    See what I mean. I speak exactly like that Queen bird.

    "Hello darlin', how ya doin', nice pink little number ya got on there," he imagines the monarch saying to SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.

    "Yes, I thought I'd go for pink today," she responds.

    "Alright, don't fackin' milk it, for fack's sake," Dyer's queen retorts.

    He did an excellent Prince George too, who "fucking hates wheels" and decides to "go and do something bollockey".

    This is what Prince William would sound like with an Essex accent.

    Love Wills. So caring and that. Happy Friday. ;)

    He threw London mayor Boris Johnson into the mix too. In Dyer's mind he "couldn't give a fack for the job," and would rather ride his bike around the city instead.
