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27 Times You Connected With Jennifer Lawrence On A Spiritual Level

Is there any food here?

1. When she said exactly what we're all thinking when we try to be social:

2. When she flawlessly described how we all look when we try to play it cool:

3. When she asked the important questions:

4. When she spoke DIRECTLY to your soul:

5. When she perfectly summed up how it is when you try to flirt:

6. When she gave the best advice, ever:

7. When she described your weekend to a T:

8. And when she shared your hobbies:

9. When she compared herself to a poodle and you were like, yes:

10. When she described a normal day for you:

11. When she made you feel OK about your constant brain farts:

12. When she owned her imperfections:

13. When she admitted how nervous she gets:

14. When she made this face:

15. When she became distracted by finding Mentos in her pocket:

16. When she refused to diet:

17. When she called the paparazzi out in the best way:

18. When she said how we all feel when we go anywhere, ever:

19. When she managed to find the bright side:

20. When she was adorably honest:

21. When she was disappointed that her award wasn't real food:

22. When she had no shame about watching reality TV:

23. When she made jokes after winning a Golden Globe:

24. When she gave us all friendship goals:

25. When she only cared about one thing:

26. When she just didn't give a fuck:

27. And when she is always herself, no matter what:

Keep doing you, JLaw.

JLaw is holding a Golden Globe in one of the images in this post. An earlier version of this post misstated that she was holding an Oscar. She has so many awards, we can't keep track. ;)