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22 Things That Only Happen To People Who Have Resting Bitchface

This IS my happy face.

1. People have been asking you if you're OK since you could barely walk.

2. You TRY to make a joke but everyone takes it way too seriously because they can't tell if you're joking.

3. People hug you for absolutely no reason because they assume you're having a terrible day.

4. And you'll have at least three texts a day showing concern for your overall well-being.

5. You have no idea what you ACTUALLY look like until you look in a mirror.

6. People ask you to smile so you try to but end up scaring them even more.

7. When something good happens to your friend, people tend to think you're not happy for them.

8. It's hard to make new friends, because everyone thought you'd be a bitch when they first saw you.

9. And you know you've truly become friends with someone if they can tell when you're ACTUALLY upset.

10. Because all of your emotions pretty much look the same, TBH.

11. You try to pose for cute photos with your friends and end up just throwing out your bitchface without even meaning to.

12. You are fully prepared, at all times, to answer a million questions about your current state of mind.

13. Your face does its own thing when people tell you to smile...

14. There comes a time in your life when you begin to question every single face that you make.

15. All of your photo IDs are a good reminder that you constantly look upset.

16. People have compared you to a cat more times than you can count.

17. You have asked strangers to take your picture on vacation before and they've repeatedly asked you to smile.

18. People insist on throwing you parties then get confused when it seems like you're having a terrible time.

19. Social media serves as a gentle reminder that you have a resting bitchface.

20. You have trouble flirting because the person you are flirting with pretty much always assumes you hate them.

21. People tend to assume you're judgmental, and it gets incredibly frustrating.

22. But in the long run, if you think about it, you have a great poker face and will be wrinkle-free for a long time.