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25 Things No One Tells You About Growing Up

The world will try to harden you. Don't let it.

1. Life will be full of disappointments.

2. And moments of pure bliss.

3. You will fall in love, and it will be terrifying.

4. You'll fall out of love.

5. You'll date someone who doesn't treat you like they should.

6. And you may not love the person that loves you.

7. You'll spend most of your twenties trying to figure out who you are.

8. You'll lose your way.

9. You'll experience a broken heart, and it will hurt more than you could ever imagine.

10. You'll have to work really hard to love yourself.

11. It may take a while, but you'll learn that this body is the only one you get.

12. And others won't always recognize your greatness.

13. Bad things will happen, and you won't be given a reason for them.

14. People will dislike you...for no reason at all.

15. You'll learn who your true friends are, and it will be incredibly painful at times.

16. And people you once considered your best friends will become strangers to you.

17. You will make mistakes.

18. You will have regrets.

19. Sometimes, you'll feel like giving up.

20. And sometimes, you will admit defeat, and that's OK.

21. You'll go through ups and downs with your parents and realize how incredible they are much later than you should.

22. People will break your trust.

23. Standing on your own two feet — once you're finally able to — will be a reward you would have never even imagined when you were younger.

24. You'll realize that every second you waste wishing you were someone else is a second you waste being the extraordinary person that you already are.

25. The world will try to harden you, and you have to allow your smile to change the world.

Because as tough as life can be, it's yours, and it's the only one you get.