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25 Pictures Anyone Who Has Texted A Straight Boy Will Recognize

Hey ;)

1. When your phone goes off after 11 p.m. and you know it's a booty call.

2. When he opens the conversation by saying hey and then 10 minutes later says he wants to have sex.

3. When you don't respond right away and he double texts you.

4. When you politely decline his offer to meet up and he says, "I wasn't interested anyway."

5. When he sends you a dick pic and you never even asked for one.

6. When he asks for a picture and you send him a snap of the pizza you're eating.

7. When he asks you what you're wearing and you haven't changed out of your pajamas all weekend.

8. When he starts a conversation with, "I'm going to be incredibly forward with you..."

9. When you ask him how his day is going and he tries to sext you.

10. When he tells you to check your Snapchat and you know what's coming.

11. When he compliments your clothes, only to follow up by saying they'd look better on his bedroom floor.

12. When you wake up to a "U up?" text.

13. When he opens with a pickup line that you've heard 23,000 times before and thinks he's really clever.

14. When the first thing he says is, "Let's meet up tonight."

15. When he uses the ;) emoticon.

16. When he sends you "lol" for no reason at all.

17. When you tell him you're not interested but he still thinks you are.

18. When he says, "My girlfriend and I think you're really pretty."

19. When he says, "You're so beautiful" and you're like, "Yeah I know."

20. When you say you are dating someone and he says, "Just because there's a goalie doesn't mean he can't score."

21. When you haven't responded literally ever and he gets mad at you for "sending him mixed messages."

22. When he asks you if you've ever modeled.

23. When he texts you first then doesn't respond when you answer.

24. When he says he's just "not into labels."

25. And when you realize you don't have to deal with this shit and delete his number.