19 Texts All Twentysomethings Have Sent Their Dad

    How do I put air in my tire?

    1. When your tire refuses to cooperate with your life:

    2. And when you are too scared to call AAA:

    3. When you hear a weird noise:

    4. When you don't understand taxes:

    5. When you're trying to take care of your health but can't even figure out insurance plans:

    6. When you can't get ahold of your mom:

    7. When you're trying to plan for your future:

    8. When you have no idea how much you should be earning:

    9. When you know you deserve a raise but can't articulate it:

    10. When a potential lender wants to see your credit score:

    11. When your car is trying to tell you something, but you don't know what:

    12. When you go to the doctor and need medication:

    13. When you're checking out your job's benefits and are confused AF:

    14. When you're thinking about investing:

    15. When you aren't even sure you're a real person:

    16. When your dad FINALLY gets back to you:

    17. When you're hungry and missing home:

    18. When you catch a sportsball game:

    19. And when you realize how freaking great your dad is: