23 Hashtags Every Tall Girl Needs In Her Life


    1. When people assume you must be wearing heels:

    2. When it's time for summer clothing:

    3. When people ask if your parents are tall:

    4. When people assume you play sports:

    5. When people constantly ask you to reach things for them:

    6. When people remind you of your struggles with dating:

    7. When you had hope until someone stood up:

    8. When you try to take a selfie with your friends:

    9. When people ask you how the weather is "up there":

    10. When you're shopping:

    11. When you're on an airplane:

    12. When you're at the movies:

    13. When you're in a group picture:

    14. When you try to look at yourself in a mirror:

    15. When you're trying on jeans:

    16. When you're browsing Forever 21:

    17. When people claim you walk too fast:

    18. When you really want to take a bubble bath:

    19. When you can't fit under your shower head:

    20. When you have to knee bend to fit in photos:

    21. When you're trying to hug or kiss someone shorter than you:

    22. When you're about to get in the car:

    23. And when you're trying to figure out life's mysteries: