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    16 Times Disney Dads Were Daddy AF

    So hot they deserve a shrine at Walt Dilf-ney World.

    1. Any time Zeus literally glowed with attractiveness.

    2. And when he was fine as hell and knew it.

    3. When Aladdin's daddy smiled and made you FEEL THINGS.

    4. And when his jawline got you all hot and bothered.

    5. When Princess Tiana's father was definitely no frog...

    6. ...but actually a gorgeous DILF.

    7. When you discovered Powhatan was, like, pretty ripped.

    8. And when he gave "dad bod" an entirely new meaning...

    9. ...along with King Triton.

    10. Can πŸ‘ we πŸ‘ talk πŸ‘ about πŸ‘ those πŸ‘ pecs?!

    11. When Tarzan's dad slayed you with his hotness.

    12. And when he deserved a hell of a lot more screen time.

    13. When Rapunzel's brooding father stared straight into your thirsty soul.

    14. And when he set the standard for #SilverFoxClub inductees.

    15. When Fa Zhou gave Li Shang a run for his money.

    16. And when you just wanted a hug too. πŸ˜‰

    Stay hot, Disney dads!