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    The 10 Worst Parts Of Being A College Student At Christmas

    You are no longer a child living at home but you aren't an adult either. Welcome to the awkward in-between.

    1. Coming home and realizing you no longer live in the same town as any of your friends.

    2. You're the only one who still has Christmas spirit and you aren't ready to let those old traditions go.

    3. All of a sudden you are the one in the kitchen.

    4. Christmas presents are now more of a rarity.

    5. Your sister brings home her new "boyfriend", making family get-togethers that more awkward.

    6. Feeling like this every time you are asked about your plans after graduation.

    7. Everyone goes to bed at 10pm leaving you with nothing to do but meet with your old pal Netflix.

    8. Your brother is talking about his first year at the Law Firm and you're over there like:

    9. Your Instagram and Twitter are blowing up with your friends partying without you,

    10. And celebrating New Years Eve means making it to midnight and realizing you are the only one still awake.

    Good luck, guys, and a very Merry Christmas season to you all.