21 Things You Will Be Surprised By When You Turn 30

    You will definitely not wish you were younger.

    1. When you look at college kids now, they will not seem cool and carefree. They will seem dirty and broke. This is accurate.

    2. You do not magically become uncool.

    3. Your parents will start to come to you for advice.

    4. No one will judge you if you like to party...

    5. ... But they WILL judge you if they still have to take care of your drunk ass.

    6. Even if you're kind of the worst at home decorating, you will start to wish that you were good at it.

    7. If people talk shit about you, you will not be able to find the energy to care that much.

    8. If you haven't already, you will discover how great your siblings are.

    9. You will look pretty much the same as you did at 27.

    10. If someone refers to you as "old", it's because THEY are actually worried about getting old. It's not because you actually look or seem old.

    11. You will actually be good at things.

    12. You will want to try new things EVEN MORE than when you were in your twenties.

    13. People will assume you have your shit together... unless you prove to them otherwise.

    14. The teens on TV will start to look REALLY old to you.

    15. You're really excited to wear your mom's old clothes, because they are now well and truly back in style.

    16. You will Instagram yourself working out... but it's so you can shame yourself for not working out.

    17. Your tolerance for shots will plummet.

    18. You won't hold onto relationships that feel like relationshits.

    19. You will start to truly love your body.

    20. Small children will start showing up to your parties... and you'll realize it's actually not that bad.

    21. You are still you... just less dumb.