The 15 Best Parts Of Being Single In Your Thirties

    It's freedom, and the money to actually do something with it.

    1. You don't have to shell out money for three extra major presents a year.

    2. You get to pick your own mattress.

    3. You can take a job anywhere on earth without making someone else move.

    4. You've had time to experiment and figure out what you like sexually, and you don't feel guilty asking for it.

    5. You get to choose all your own friends.

    When you marry someone, you not only marry their family, you also marry all of their friends. Being single means that you don't have to hang out with that one person you can't stand because your SO went to college with them, and still thinks of them as how they were then, and not how they are now, which is awful.

    6. You don't have to spend the holidays with in-laws you very possibly hate.

    7. You don't get forced into waiting for your SO in order to keep binge watching a show.

    8. You get time to date more people, which takes the pressure off any one relationship working out.

    9. You get to enjoy the part of your life where you don't have to answer to your immediate family just a little bit longer.

    10. You have the money to decorate your space now, and you can do it however you want.

    11. You don't have to deal with anyone else's bad financial situation.

    12. You've had your 20s to get out all of your ridiculousness.

    13. You'll have time to save up for the wedding you really want.

    14. All the closet space is yours. ALL yours.

    15. Nobody gets their feelings hurt when you dance around wildly to "All The Single Ladies."