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Everyone Thinks Seattle Seahawks Player Jon Ryan Went To The University Of Vagina

Because that is definitely what it sounded like.

When Seattle Seahawks Punter Jon Ryan introduces himself at the beginning of games, and says what school he went to, it can sound a little bit...confusing.

"Jon Ryan, University of Vagina." And the game hasn't started. #SuperBowl #Seahawks

Very Confusing.

Jon Ryan , university of vagina. Lmfao.

Because it sounds an awful lot like he is saying he went to the University of Vagina.

“@NoChillPosts: JON RYAN UNIVERSITY OF VAGINA 😭😂😭😂 ” I swear I heard vagina

Poor Jon Ryan.

On other notes I believe Jon Ryan said he went to U of Vagina

Pretttty sure he actually went to the University of Regina, but you should listen for yourself!
