The Definitive Ranking Of Times When You Are The Most Hangry

    You won't like me when I'm hungry AND angry.

    13. When getting a meal involves any sort of line.

    12. When you're cooking something, and it's supposed to be done, but you look at it and it really needs 30 more minutes.

    11. 4:00 p.m., while at work.

    10. When you open the fridge, and realize that you left last night's restaurant leftovers in your car/at the restaurant.

    9. When you go in the kitchen, and you realize your roommate ate your food.

    8. 10 minutes after your pizza was supposed to arrive.

    7. At 3:00 a.m., waiting in a 10 car-deep line in a fast food drive thru.

    6. 2:00 p.m., when you haven't eaten lunch.

    5. When it takes longer than 25 minutes for your food to get to you at a restaurant.

    4. When you get in line for food, and all of it is gone by the time you get to the front.

    3. 1:00 p.m. on a weekend, right before brunch.

    You haven't had breakfast, you're likely so hungover that you could die, there's a good chance that you've had to wait at least 20 minutes for a table, and there's a 300% chance that, the second your name gets called for a table, one of your so-called "friends" will send you a text to let you know that they'll "be there in 15 minutes." At which point, you will tell the hostess that your party is all here, and you will delete that friend's contact info from your phone and pretend they never existed BECAUSE THEY ARE DEAD TO YOU.

    2. 3:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

    1. Four days into a diet.