21 Things People Who Suck At Making Decisions Understand

    Confession: I am the worst at making choices.

    1. Any menu that is longer than one page is going to give you nightmares.

    2. And deciding what to make for dinner is a nightly struggle.

    3. Getting invited to two things at the exact same time can ruin your whole weekend.

    4. And you have definitely tried to half-ass two things at once just so you wouldn't have to commit to doing one.

    5. Netflix = The thing that makes you waste more time deciding between 46 different options than actually watching one thing.

    WB, AMC
    WB, AMC
    WB, AMC

    6. You don't have a closet full of clothes, you have a closet full of potential decisions that will eventually make you late.

    7. Responsible you and YOLO you regularly fight each other whenever you're at the grocery store.

    General Mills

    You are the guy who stands in the cereal aisle for a good five minutes.

    General Mills

    You are the guy who stands in the cereal aisle for a good five minutes.

    General Mills

    You are the guy who stands in the cereal aisle for a good five minutes.

    8. You have definitely stood at the store trying to decide what to get for so long, that you finally just quit and went home.

    9. Even if you get a brilliant idea, there is a good chance that you might immediately abandon it.

    10. And you can't make a decision without asking five other people their opinions first.

    11. You've made some... interesting choices while under pressure.

    12. You always panicked a little when it was your turn at the ice cream truck.

    13. When someone asks you to pick your favorite movie, book, or TV show, the best you can do is list your 25 favorites. Of each.

    14. You really wish that Google maps would give you one route option, instead of three.

    15. You do not do well when people pressure you into making a decision quickly.

    16. Choosing what to read next is kind of torture.

    17. Friday night = the night when you argue with yourself for two hours about whether to go out or stay in.

    18. You honestly have no idea where to start on your to-do list.


    19. You are never really sure whether to go on that second date or not.

    20. Even if you can make a decision... you then immediately regret it.

    21. Because you know that your worst decisions end very badly for you, and hilariously for everyone else.