Women Are Fighting Abortion Laws By Coming Up With Their Own "Termination Tips"

The YouTube tutorials are intended to mock Chile's ban on pregnancy termination. BuzzFeed News spoke with the agency that created the video and the NGO pushing the cause. You can also read this in Spanish.

In a series of spoof videos currently being shared in Chile, women appear to be advising each other on how to terminate a pregnancy.

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The fake tips include throwing yourself into traffic, falling down stairs, and "hitting your stomach against fire hydrants."

The campaign was created by Chilean NGO MilesChile to demonstrate the negative effect of the country's harsh abortion laws.

View this video on YouTube


Claudia Dides, the director of the NGO, told BuzzFeed News that it is high time for Chile's democratic government to lift the ban on abortion.

En comisión de salud sesión sobre aborto terapéutico junto a @ClaudiaDides y @MilesChile

In the Health Commission session [at the Chilean Congress, where this issue is being discussed} debating about therapeutical abortion with @ClaudiaDides and @MilesChile.

A law that was passed during the dictatorship more than 30 years ago banning abortion under any circumstances, even when the mother and fetus' lives are in danger, is still enforced.

“This campaign is provocative,” said Dides, “but real women are indeed advised to fall from the stairs to self-induce a miscarriage.”

@Dani_Cicardini @Prensa_Maya @Prensa_Karol @aromorojo @antonietasaa @pati_morales_e @AleConcejala @mariseka

Claudia Dides (far right) and other women protest in the streets of Chile.

Abortion was first banned in Chile in 1989. Some believe the strict law endangers women, whereas others think it protects life.

Chile is one of the six countries in the world where abortion is forbidden under any circumstance.

Dides explained why she believes this situation is so dangerous for women's reproductive health:

"Some women are told to leave the country and have an abortion somewhere else. In Chile, some abortive medicines like Misoprostol are sold in the clandestine market so women do not really know what they are consuming. They are at risk."

BuzzFeed News also talked to Paola Dragnic, who was not allowed to have an abortion, even when she knew that her baby would not survive.

Lávate la boca antes de hablar de mi, gracias al aborto terapeurico me alvaro y después pude ser mama @tono0

"Wash your mouth before you talk about me, thanks to therapeutical abortion I could become a mum afterwards @tono0."

She explained the ordeal she went through, via chat on WhatsApp.

After four and a half months, Paola miscarried. Now she is helping NGO Miles with their communications, and hopes that other women can avoid a similar situation.

No preciosa. Ayudar a las mujeres a no morir y ser mamas como yo @verukasaltX @karenmoure @MMReivindica @SernamChile

No, dear. Helping women not to die and to become mums like I am @verusaltX @karenmoure @MMReivindica @SernamChile

The viral videos are part of a larger conversation about women's rights, and Paola's case is one of many.

@paodragnic nadie piensa en cómo se siente mujer que sabe que su hijo es inviable, que no vivirá, o que ella arriesga su vida si él nace.

@paodragnic nobody thinks what it feels like for a woman who knows that her child is unviable, that the unborn won't live, or that she will risk her life if the baby is born.

Me da rabia que ni siquiera en caso de una violación podamos abortar! Demasiado cruel! #CulturaVerdaderaAborto

It pisses me off that we can't even abort in the case of rape! This is too cruel! #TrueCultureAbortion

The videos have been watched close to 600,000 times.

View this video on YouTube


However, the campaign has divided viewers, with commenters criticizing it for making light of abortion.

"@MilesChile: Forzar embarazo x violación es tortura. Apoya la #LEYabortoTERAPÉUTICO. Nikgando, eso es asesinato de un inocente

@MilesChile: Forcing a pregnancy because of rape is torture. Support the #BillTherapeuticalAbortion. Nikgando, that is murdering an innocent.

Some have gone as far as accusing them of promoting "murder."

The campaign's hashtag #LEYabortoTERAPÉUTICO is intended to get people talking about the taboo subject of abortion.

Tutorial Aborto #LEYabortoTERAPÉUTICO: https://t.co/LAla9YNlUT a lo que tenemos que llegar porque no hay una ley de Aborto. Impactada.

Tutorial about abortion #BillTherapeuticalAbortion I can't believe we have gone this far because we lack an abortion law. I am shocked.

Yo apoyo la #LEYabortoTERAPÉUTICO como Miles de chilenos. ¡Súmate tú también! http://t.co/xJIMwGIj1u LA APOYO COMO UN PUNTO DE INICIO!

I support the #BillTherapeuticalAbortion like thousands of Chilean people. You can join us too! http://mileschile.cl/leyabortoterapeutico/ I SUPPORT THE BILL AS A STARTING POINT!

En Chile las mujeres hacen esto para no ser penadas por la ley,150.000 accidentes cada año #LEYabortoTERAPÉUTICO https://t.co/tQ3xmRTrIK

In Chile, women do this in order not to be punished by the law, 150,000 accidents every year #BillTherapeuticalAbortion

According to Chile's Health Department, According to Chile's Health Department, 150,000 illegal abortions are performed each year. Almost 70% of people from Chile are in favor of abortion, said the NGO Miles.

Puig said that the tutorials aim at informing people about abortion in Chile:

"Women are now looking up for information online about how to abort. The number of deaths provoked by this situation are hard to measure, but this issue is really serious. With the video, Miles wanted to report on a reality that needs to be changed."

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