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Mawlynnong is a village in the Meghalaya area of India.

It's home to the Khasi tribe, one of the world's only matrilineal societies.

The tribe there passes the last name down through the women of the family, property is given to the youngest girl, and women own land.

The birth of a baby girl there is a welcomed celebration, a stark contrast to other parts of the country where baby girls are viewed as an economic burden.

Audrey Cheng, a recent visitor to the village, told BuzzFeed News that "the society seemed to breed more equality in power and respect among both genders."

"Women in the Khasi tribe have more prominent roles in society," she said. "And from our conversations, they feel little fear of rape and other sexual assaults that haunt the rest of India."

Although the village is a matrilineal society, genders still conform to "typical" jobs: Men work in the fields, while women stay at home and carry out domestic work.

The village prides itself on the education of its young people. It boasts a 100% literacy rate.

There's also an established eco-tourism industry. Visitors can stay in tree houses or in home stays.

All those in the village are expected to adhere to strict rules regarding waste. The BBC named the village "the cleanest and best educated in India."

However, the village has attracted the attention of men's rights group Syngkhong Rympei Thymmai (SRT). SRT claims that the matriarchal society has led to high male mortality rates and heavy drinking among the Khasi male youth.

Klueppel's full series on Malynnong can be found here.

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