The Harassment Of A 12-Year-Old Girl Encouraged Women To Share Their Stories With #PrimeiroAssedio

The hashtag, which means "first harassment", was started after people began tweeting sexual content about a Masterchef Junior contestant.

Valentina Schulz is 12 years old and a contestant on the Brazilian version of Masterchef Junior.

During the season premiere of the show on Oct. 20, Twitter users began tweeting about Schulz in a suggestive way. This tweet by the now deactivated @AnderSoberano seems to have been what started it.

About this Valentina: If consensual is it paedophilia?

In reaction to the sexualization of a 12-year-old, people began using the hashtag #PrimeiroAssedio ("first harassment") to speak out about the first time they were sexually harassed.

Com dez anos parei de usar shorts por causa dos olhares e frases de homens velhos na rua. #PrimeiroAssedio

At ten years stopped wearing shorts because of the looks and phrases of old men on the street.

Tinha uns 8 anos e esperava minha mãe nas compras. Dois rapazes passaram por trás, pegaram na minha bunda e saíram rindo. #PrimeiroAssédio

I was about 8 years old and I was helping my mom shopping. Two boys passed from behind, grabbed my ass, and they started laughing.

Meu #primeiroassedio foi indo pro colégio, ouvindo um velho falando coisas horríveis apenas por conta do meu uniforme escolar

My first harassment was going to school, listening to an old man saying horrible things just because of my school uniform.

Ônibus cheio, eu sentada no colo da minha mãe (cega). Homem abre o zíper da calça e me mostra o genital. Eu tinha 8 anos. #primeiroassedio

Full bus, I sat in my mother's lap (blind). Man unzips his pants and show me his genitals. I was 8 years old.

Aos 10 anos um tio que morou conosco me assediou e fez propostas. Nunca comentei com a família por medo de me culparem. #PrimeiroAssedio

10 years old an uncle who lived with us harassed me and made ​​proposals. I never mentioned to the family for fear of blame.

Since the incident the show's host network, Bandeirantes, has issued a statement apologizing for the reaction to the young contestant.

Speaking to BBC Trending, Juliana De Faria of feminist group Think Olga, which started the hashtag, said she had received an overwhelming number of stories about young girls being targeted by sexual harassment.

"Suddenly some readers and followers of Think Olga were writing me back with the first time they were harassed and they were very, very young, as young as five years old. So I started retweeting that."

Por favor, compartilhem suas histórias com a hashtag #PrimeiroAssedio. Vamos reunir as histórias e publicá-las na OLGA.

Please share your stories with the hashtag #PrimeiroAssedio. Let's gather the stories and post them on OLGA.
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