A Russian TV Channel Is Broadcasting Weather Forecasts For Syrian Air Raids

The news station is providing Syrian weather information for Russian viewers.

A Russian TV channel is broadcasting weather reports that include weather advice for Syrian air raids.

The report on state-owned Russian TV channel Russia 24 starts with meteorologist Ekaterina Grigorova addressing the recent bombing of Syria by Russian forces.

The report then moves to a weather forecast for Syria, with Grigorova saying that the timing of the "air operations" is "well chosen" due to Syria's favorable October climate.

She continues by describing the possible effect factors such as wind speed or rain fall could have on the Russian operation, concluding that forces shouldn't be affected by the Syrian climate.

This isn't the first time Russia 24 have incorporated current affairs into their weather forecasts.

The clip started getting attention Monday morning, with many users expressing disgust over the video.

"Excellent conditions for air strikes" in Syria, says Russian state TV weather forecaster. http://t.co/lW1A4BQ1dO

@ChristopherJM Poor visibility reduces accuracy and increases taxpayers' costs. Syrian weather therefore newsworthy in Russia.

Ugh. Horrid. "Excellent conditions for air strikes" in #Syria, says #Russia state TV weather http://t.co/2ICaeUVDGR

I can't even. #Russia's state TV reports the weather forecast is great for bombing #Syria. http://t.co/M1dJSDT202

You can watch the whole weather report here.

View this video on YouTube

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