29 Of The Worst Things That Can Happen To You As A Parent

    There are mountains, and then there are molehills disguised as them.

    1. Your kid drops your iPhone.

    2. You didn't notice the spit-up on your shirt until you got to work.

    3. Your toddler didn't even say goodbye at today's morning drop-off.

    4. You bribed your kiddos by promising them cake pops from Starbucks — and then they were sold out.

    And no, your kid definitely doesn't want a chocolate croissant instead.

    5. Your baby had an epic diaper blowout and you left the diaper bag at home.

    6. You're the last parent to sign up for the class potluck so you're stuck bringing a main dish.

    7. Your kid lost a tooth and you — er, the tooth fairy — forgot to visit last night.

    8. The ice cream man just showed up at the park and all you've got is a debit card.

    9. Your toddler just found one of mommy and daddy's "toys."

    10. You lost the Frozen CD.

    11. You forgot today was school picture day.

    12. Caillou.

    13. The school and team sport fundraisers are happening at the same time.

    14. The one ride your kid wanted to go on at the amusement park is closed.

    15. You realized that you probably shouldn't jump rope with your kids anymore.

    16. Back-to-back birthday parties.

    17. Your kid lost one of their favorite shoes while you two were out running errands.

    18. You potty train your kid, ditch the diapers, and promptly discover they've got a bladder the size of a pea.

    19. You lost baby's binky.

    20. Your toddler goes into tantrum mode while you're stuck in traffic.

    21. You've been fantasizing about date night since giving birth to your baby and it's finally here.

    22. You leaned in to give your teen a kiss before school and instead got a "bye mom" as they jetted out the car.

    23. Glitter.

    24. Your toddler just swapped sippy cups with another kid who happens to have a very runny nose.

    25. Your tween has a crush.

    26. Your kid just got in major trouble and has the nerve to be mad at you for punishing him.

    27. Your 12-year-old wants an Instagram account.

    28. Your kid requests a play date in front of his friend and their parent.

    29. Your children grow up.

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