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11 Signs You Are Currently Experiencing Grilled Cheese Withdrawal

Is that you, grilled cheese? Get back in the habit with KRAFT Singles — now with no added preservatives!

1. When you were talking to your boss, all you heard was "grilled cheese, grilled cheese?"

2. Everyone you know starts looking like cheese.

3. You've dabbled with other "cheese" foods, but are left unfulfilled.

4. Ditto goes for other sandwiches.

5. You've been having grilled cheese dreams...

6. ...and grilled cheese nightmares.

7. Then, you wake up clutching a frying pan.

8. All other food looks bland.

9. This looks like heaven:

10. You're useless when it comes to making dinner plans.

11. You mirage-imagined a grilled cheese floating in the middle of the street.

It's time.