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14 Signs You'll Never Grow Up

Just try to stifle that kid in you. Pretty much as ridiculous as giving up your love of KRAFT Mac & Cheese.

1. You've yet to miss a photobomb opportunity.

2. No one takes you seriously in meetings because you keep bringing this:

3. Your dance moves haven't graduated from middle school.

4. You've never been called "calm and composed" because this is what you look like when you're excited:

5. And when something goes wrong, you can't be around anyone unless they're offering shoulders for this:

6. Your business attire includes stuff like this:

7. You're still working on your hand–eye coordination.

8. You refuse to stop using your favorite backpack.

9. Your favorite hobbies include burping.

10. Your bath towels all look like this:

11. You fantasize about rooms with secret rooms.

12. You still read, but only books for young adults or ones full of pictures.

13. You hide all your favorite stuff so no one else can use it.

14. You still say things like "Tubular!" and "Cowabunga!"

And your favorite food hasn't changed after all these years.